FSU-Teach allows students to pursue an undergraduate degree in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Geoscience, Mathematics or Physics AND earn a second major in secondary teaching at the same time. No additional hours are required, since elective hours are used for education courses. FSU-Teach students can still graduate with their content degree in four years and be both certified and highly-qualified to teach upon graduation. Students can “test-drive” this program before making a commitment by taking Step 1 (SMT 1043) and Step 2 (SMT 1053)—and we will even reimburse your tuition and fees with successful (C- or better) completion of the courses!
Why FSU-Teach?
- Serious STEM students can differentiate themselves from other candidates for medical school, graduate school, or jobs with this double major in STEM and teaching. Teacher certification is often seen as a plus when applying to medical or graduate school.
- You will learn more and better in your science and math courses by learning about inquiry-based teaching and learning.
- Most STEM careers involve not only using math and science concepts, but teaching them to others--project leaders teach their team members, medical residents teach new medical students, graduate students teach undergraduates, doctors teach patients and their families.
- There is a desperate shortage of qualified math and science teachers in Florida and across the country. Because of this, FSU-Teach graduates typically have a number of job offers upon graduation. You can teach to earn income to pay loans or study for graduate exams before continuing with your education.
- Teachers shape the future—whether you leave FSU and teach for a short time until graduate school or teach for a lifetime—well-prepared, committed teachers can make a difference in the lives of students and in the success of our country.
our partners
Contact FSU-teach
- 209 Carothers Hall
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4482 - Phone : (850) 644-1935
Fax : (850) 645-8902